Thursday, October 24, 2013

Golden Birthday Fun and the 23 Item List

Yesterday, October 23, was my 23rd birthday. In some circles this is known as a "golden birthday," and interestingly enough, someone on Urban Dictionary decided that this particular golden birthday is one of the most powerful:

The two most Powerful Golden Birthdays are 31 and 23. While 31 is stable and at a constantly high Power level, 23 is an ever-shifting entity that at times holds nearly infinite levels of Power. This can be dangerous and has the potential to unknown chaos, depending on if the wielder (birthday boy/girl) is aware and can harness the Power.

Interested yet? Then read on about my powerfully adventurous day.

For this special occasion, I decided to make a list of 23 things to do on my 23rd birthday. Because it fell smack dab in the middle of the week, Alex and the rest of my friends had to work, but I took the day off (#1 item on the list) and spent it soul searching and being creative. Here's the list:

Before I tell you what I did and didn't do, let me begin by saying that I definitely did not go to the gym or run. I was being way too ambitious on this topic. I did, however, complete each and every task with some changes to a couple. Instead of trading in clothes and buying new ones, I got my nails done. Instead of baking my own cake (which was deemed unacceptable by Alex), he brought home a little carrot cake. Instead of planning our birthday party, I considered whether or not we should even have it since we have an invasive, rotten neighbor.

The plus sides: The bottle of wine was a Cabernet Sauvignon and, because it was my birthday, was marked down for $30 especially for me. The fondue was absolutely amazing and Alex wishes to "go back there every week for dinner." There was a nice, silly British man serving coffee at Hopkinton Gourmet (get the Coconut Cream coffee if you go, it was mind blowing). My exploration of the Hopkinton State Park was beautiful:

All in all, it was a very successful day and night. Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy day and/or sent a card and gift. I love you all!

And to add a touch of craft to this post, check out my attempt at painting (I'll do better next time, I swear):

I'm Boston, but I'm pretty horrible. Love me anyway.


  1. Great list! And the painting is beautiful! I still paint/draw stick people so you are way ahead of me. :)
    Glad you had a fabulous birthday and did some nice things for yourself. Btw, how's your vision board working for you? I love you!

    1. Thank you auntie! I haven't revamped the vision board lately, but I'm working on a couple things on there now :) I just got your card - thank you! I love how Evan signed his name ;)

  2. This is great! So glad you took the day off to enjoy it. You deserved it. Love you


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